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«In my house, a stranger secretly lived for six months»

Strange steps in the apartment at night, open doors and disappearing food from the refrigerator are signs of the presence in the house not a ghost, but an uninvited guest. This conclusion was reached by a woman who lived with a mysterious stranger under one roof for six months, not suspecting this.

The American shared with journalists a mysterious story that happened to her 25 years ago. In the mid-1990s, the storyteller, who at that time was 20 years old, moved to

a small city in Washington to live closer to her brother and his family. The girl rented an apartment and heard steps under the ceiling on the first night – although she lived on the top floor.

Soon she began to notice other oddities. So, food and drinks disappeared from her refrigerator, and the doors that she left open were closed to her arrival, or vice versa. At first, the heroine of the story did not attach much importance to this: the girl attributed everything to the unexpected visits of her brother, although she realized that he would not bother to wash the dishes and restore order.

After some time, she nevertheless began to suspect something wrong. Once, when the girls were not at home, the apartment was flooded, and her dog, which she held in the bathroom, while accustoming to the toilet, was in the sink. “She was very small and certainly could not go there on her own,” the heroine of history was amazed.

Months walked, and the storyteller continued to hear steps. She knew that there was a hatch leading to the attic in the ceiling, and asked the owner whether it was possible to check the room. However, she assured her that she should not worry – most likely, a squirrel or raccoon settled there, and it was the girl who hears them.

Everything cleared up when the American fell ill and did not leave the house all day. At 11 pm, she turned off the light, lit a candle and gained a bath. “Lying in the water, I noticed that the hatch on the attic, which was always closed, was open. Steps, food, puppy – all parts of the puzzle gathered together. I realized that all this time in my house someone lived and was in it and now, ”the storyteller shared.

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